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Ecological Models and Data in R epub

Ecological Models and Data in R epub

Ecological Models and Data in R. Benjamin M. Bolker

Ecological Models and Data in R
ISBN: 0691125228,9780691125220 | 516 pages | 13 Mb

Download Ecological Models and Data in R

Ecological Models and Data in R Benjamin M. Bolker
Publisher: Princeton University Press

Their list is conspicuously missing Bolker's new book "Ecological Models and Data in R." This is a very good intro to using R, modeling and statistics in Ecology. Drawing on extensive experience teaching these techniques to graduate students in ecology, Benjamin Bolker shows how to choose among and construct statistical models for data, estimate their parameters and confidence limits, and interpret the results. The ecological detective: confronting models with data. The hope that we express is that fitting process-based models will act as a catalyst to synthesize heterogeneous data into ecological meaningful parameters. This might not only improve predictions of ecosystem reactions to environmental change, but also to a better fundamental MCMC in R · Getting started in Leipzig · E. Scientists at Northern Arizona University and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis have developed a model that uses circuit theory to predict gene flow across landscapes. Training ecologists to think with uncertainty in mind. Coli as a model system for evolutionary adaptation to environmental change? Bolker's book is a must-buy for anyone wanting to fit data to models and go beyond hypothesis testing, but it is certainly not an 'introductory' text in the sense of 'simple'. Building on the successful Analysing Ecological Data (2007) by Zuur, Ieno and Smith, the authors now provide an expanded introduction to using regression and its extensions in analysing ecological data.

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